Work with me

I help women to deepen their connection with their inner wisdom, with their inner power, with the love and light within them. I hold space for them to release everything that does not serve them and is not in alignment with their soul purpose. I guide them, together with their inner voice, to utilize their gifts and their highest potential in order to live an abundant, joyful, free, and fulfilled life in alignment with their soul, and with the support of their guides and the Universe.

1:1 Session

90 minutes private session for midlife women

This session may include intuitive astrology and guidance, EFT tapping, and different healing modalities

This session may provide:
- Intuitive guidance
- Insight into your astrological chart and your soul blueprint
- Clarity why you may be experiencing perimenopausal symptoms, or why you may be feeling lost
- Relief from perimenopausal symptoms, such as anxiety
- We address what might be standing in the way of you living in alignment with your purpose and what needs healing in the moment (fears, emotional blocks, or limitations)

Midlife Makeover

3-month 1:1 coaching program for midlife women who are ready to transform their life and create a business of their dreams.

This program is right for you if:
- You feel lost or stuck in life and your career
- You want to find your purpose or a new direction in life
- You are asking yourself question like: Who am I? Why am I here?
- You are a midlife woman and would like to reinvent yourself and your life

The program combines holistic coaching, intuitive astrology, EFT and different healing modalities.

Together we will focus on and work through:
- Intuitive insights into your astrological chart, including your purpose and mission in this lifetime
- We will uncover what might be standing in the way of you achieving your dreams and goals
- We will create a plan and a strategy to achieve them
- We address what needs healing, including overcoming fears, blocks, or limitations
I help women to

I help women to step into their power, align with their purpose and live the life their soul came here to live.

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Heal the Tribe Soul Sisters

I help women to

I help women to step into their power, align with their purpose and live the life their soul came here to live.

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You can also join my private Facebook group Heal the Tribe

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© Pavlina Jirouskova 2024 | All rights reserved.
The website is protected by reCAPTCHA and Google Personal Data Protection and Terms and Conditions.