What is your inner voice?
“I am you. I am your past, present and future. I am your knowing, your deepest truth, your inner light. I am love. I am a part of you. I am a part of the Universe. I am connected to all there is, to the Source. I am energy. I am all there is. I am you and you are me.”
– Your Inner Voice –
Inner voice is the deeper part of you that is connected to all there is, to the whole Universe. It is your intuition, your soul wisdom, your knowing. It is the wise and loving part of you that has all the answers and is always right. It always loves and supports you, even when you don’t love yourself, even when you make mistakes, even when you are angry or upset. It keeps you safe. It is you. It is your highest self, your true self.
You are not your physical body. You are energy. You are an energetic being having a physical experience in this body.
Connecting to your inner voice is something everyone can experience. We all have an inner being and an inner voice that your inner being, your soul speaks to you with. We all have all answers to all of our questions inside of us.
We all have the ability to heal ourselves and your inner voice can help you to heal! It can also help you to release everything that is standing in the way of your healing.
I am a certified Inner Voice Facilitator with Jess Lively since 2020 and I use inner voice work with my clients regularly.
Inner voice and chronic health issues
Any physical, mental and emotional issues are usually a sign that you are disconnected from your true self, from your inner being, that you don’t live in alignment with your true self. We are all energetic beings, having physical experiences, but most of us live unconscious lives, unaware of our energetic nature.
As a human, you have thoughts and emotions, that correspond with your subconscious programming, with your past experiences. These thoughts, emotions, past traumas and different subconscious patterns can create blocks in your energy field. You might have even picked up some blocks from other people close to you or from your past lives.
All of us have many emotional and energetic blocks in our energy fields and some of them manifest as physical health issues, others as different fears, emotional problems, mental health issues etc. We often don’t allow ourselves to feel things and bottle them up and that creates more blocks and more issues in your physical body.
I help my clients to uncover and unblock these emotional and energetic blocks, together with the inner voice. I will guide you through them when they come up during a session.
How can your inner voice help you heal?
I use inner voice work with my clients as part of my DEEP HEALING PROGRAM, in combination with other healing methods and techniques, such as EFT, Quantum Healing and more.
An inner voice session is truly a life-changing experience! During such a session I will hold space for you and guide you to get out of your mind, to connect the inner voice part of you and transform the way you see thigs.
You will get really deep, all the way down to the soul level of your being.
We will ask your inner voice questions on all major topics in your life, including your health and healing and your inner voice will tell you everything you need to know. Your inner voice knows all your thoughts, fears, and worries and it can also provide answers to all of your questions and more. Your inner voice can also provide insights and deep healing. Everything is possible!
You can receive wise words, visual images and other beautiful feelings from your inner voice. It can be really magical experience once you connect to your inner voice. You have all answers to all of your burning questions inside of you!
As your inner voice only wants what is best for you, you don’t have to worry that you will hear anything you don’t want to hear. Your inner voice is always loving and supporting and it will only bring up what is safe and what you are ready for.
More importantly, your inner voice can help you to release emotional and energetic blocks on the the soul level, that have contributed to the development of your health issues or that are standing tin the way of your healing.
I have developed my signature one-on-one Deep Healing Program over the last few years. It combines all the tools and experience I have gained through my own healing journey, as well as from working with my clients. The six-month-long coaching and healing program includes regular intuitive healing sessions with me (inner voice and EFT based sessions) and monthly protocols with specific instructions for daily self-development work, journal prompts, helpful self-development techniques, guided meditations and spiritual and holistic practices, that will support your conscious healing journey.
If the Deep Healing Program resonates with you, I would love to help you and guide you on your healing journey! Get in touch if you have any questions or schedule a free consultation with me to find out if the program is the right fit for you.