Recently, my inner voice showed me the upward spiral of healing, and it dawned on me that WE ARE GOING THROUGH CYCLES not just in life, but also ON OUR HEALING JOURNEY!
Over the last few weeks, I have been going through some motions. I have been feeling really low on energy and my backpain got worse. For a week, I was feeling down mentally and emotionally. I even got and anxiety attack which hasn’t happened in years! Then, I started getting headaches, and I don’t normally get headaches.
When I started thinking about it, I realized that the same thing happened last year around the same time. It might have been the change of seasons, it might have been the uplevelling in my life and business, or something I was not aware of.
I began asking my inner voice what is the reason behind all of this. My inner voice replied that I finally need to shed the identity of not being good enough and step into my power and my purpose fully. I have struggled with this limiting belief my whole life. Now it’s the time to let go of this old identity, that is rooted deep within me.
I share more of this story and my process in this week’s video that I recorded in my Facebook community Heal the Tribe.
I also share with you more about my view on limiting beliefs, repetitive patterns and triggers that can contribute to these cycles.
Over and over, we are experiencing repetitive patterns, based on our subconscious programming. Sometimes, we need to go through the same thing over and over again, until we change the thing that is causing the issue. If we keep repeating the same mistakes, running the same patterns, we will have to go through it over and over. We might experience the same symptoms, the same health issues over and over, until we realize what is the reason behind it, and until we change it. Until we release it fully. Until we learn the lesson we are meant to learn. Until we remember who we truly are and step into our power fully!
As we start coming back to our true selves, as we are shedding layers and releasing blocks and parts of us that do not serve us anymore, that are not in alignment with our highest selves, we are going up the upward spiral of healing.
How can you get out of the vicious circle of pain and suffering?
You need to recognize what is at the root cause at the problem.
What are the limiting beliefs?
What are the deep-rooted traumas?
Where are they located in your body?
In this week’s video, I share with you questions you can start asking yourself to uncover these limiting beliefs and emotional blocks in your body, as well as the reasons behind them.