the heart connection podcast - episode 19

Why do we have to suffer? Do we have to suffer?

We only suffer when we are living in the dualistic perception of the mind, which perceives things as bad or good. We suffer because we don’t live in the present moment. We suffer because we are disconnected from the truth. We are disconnected from our hearts, from our souls, from the Universe. Suffering is a tool for awakening. If we would not suffer, we would not wake up. We would not change anything!

When we are suffering, physically, or emotionally, it means that we are disconnected from ourselves, from our bodies, from our hearts. We are living in the head, in the illusion of the mind.

When you are suffering emotionally, you are in the mind. You need to turn your attention within. Underneath the pain and the fear, there is only love.

When you are suffering physically, when you are experiencing physical symptoms, when you are suffering from chronic illness, it means you are not listening to your heart’s guidance, to the whispers of your soul.

To end the suffering, you need to stop running away from yourself, from your emotions, and turn your attention inward.

Really be present with it, with yourself, here and now.

To find how to do that, listen to this week’s podcast episode below or at most podcast apps.

If you have any questions about the topic discussed or about how I can help you, do not hesitate to get in touch!

Also, if you like the episode, please subscribe to the podcast, rate and review, share it with your friends and family, and come share your thoughts and takeaways with me in the comments below 💖

show notes


  • Ana McKessy

    12. 11. 2021 at 14:28

    This is a great episode Pavlina! Great message & really liked the opening breath exercise ❤️🙏✨


    • Pavlina Jirouskova

      12. 11. 2021 at 14:31

      Thank you Ana! I really appreciate that and glad you liked the breath exercise. I felt that we all needed it 💖✨


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I help women to step into their power, align with their purpose and live the life their soul came here to live.

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