the heart connection podcast - episode 18

Your eczema is not your enemy! It is showing you the way. It is trying to get your attention so it can help you to awaken, to grow, to expand, to connect and to live in alignment with your Highest Self. 

First, I want to share with you a channelled message that came through for you on the topic of healing your eczema:

Your eczema is your compass
It’s your inner guidance system
It is showing you the way
To yourself
To your heart
To Source
To your innermost self
Through the fog of the mind
Through the veil of conditioning
Bubbling up to the surface
Are your insights
Your emotions are bubbling up
Your thoughts and beliefs are marking your skin
Your hurts and scars and battle wounds
They are showing up to be healed
They are telling a story
They are writing the book of your life
You can read it by touching it
The story is written on your skin like braille letters
Connect with the message
It’s not enough to look at it
Your eyes are blind
They don’t see the truth
Read it with your heart
Because deep down
You know all the answers
Open your heart and feel
Your heart is showing you the way
Your body is showing you the way
Your skin is showing you the way
It’s a map of you
It’s a map to you
You are the map and the compass
You know the way
Let your skin guide you
Let your heart guide you
You know the truth

When you understand what your eczema is telling you and when you start following the guidance and shedding the layers of conditioning, trauma, stress, emotional blocks and limiting beliefs about yourself and the world, you will be able not only to heal from the inside out, but it will change your life.

To find out more about how you can heal your eczema, listen to this week’s episode of The Heart Connection Podcast below.

If you have any questions about the topic discussed or about how I can help you, do not hesitate to get in touch!

Also, if you like the episode, please subscribe to the podcast, rate and review, share it with your friends and family, and come share your thoughts and takeaways with me in the comments below 💖

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