the heart connection podcast - episode 14

In this episode, I talk about wellbeing being your natural state. Naturally, you are meant to be healthy, are not meant to be sick, and to achieve a natural state of wellbeing you need to go within, you need to connect to your Highest Self.

When you’re not feeling well don’t look for answers and solutions outside, don’t google your symptoms or don’t look for solutions from other people, other minds. Look for answers and solutions inside, within you. Connect to your highest self.

When you not well, when your body is not well, when your mind is not well, when you’re not feeling well emotionally, that means that you are not in alignment with your Highest Self. You are not connected to your Soul. You’re not connected to Source. You’re not connected to your heart.

The following message is a message I channelled for you. It carries a healing frequency, a vibration of health and wellbeing. You can read it here, or listen to this podcast episode.

you are a being of light and your natural state is wellbeing

You are a being of light

Wellbeing is your natural state

You only diverge form your natural state through layering conditions on top of your pure energy

Your pure energy is love and light

You are an extension of Source Energy

When connected to love, you can never be sick

Your body only gets sick when you are not connected to your Highest Self and to Source-God

Come back to Source, come back to your heart

Wellbeing and wellness is always available to you

Come back to self, come back to your center, come back to who you truly are

Close your eyes and see

Close your eyes and be


Only then you can realize that all is well

All is well


You are well


You are healthy


You are loved


Step into your wellbeing

Step into your health

Step out of pain and suffering

You have come here to grow

You have come here to heal

Yourself and others

You have come here to slow down

Slow down

There is no rush

There is no destination

There is only now

Pause and listen

To the sound of your breath

To the beat of your heart

To the wind in the trees

To the water in the stream

Let yourself be carried

Stop fighting with yourself

Stop fighting with people around you

Stop fighting with your body

Come back to love

Connect to love

Connect to yourself

Connect to your health

Be well

Wellbeing is your natural state

Let it sink in. The message contains energy. You can tune into it, feel it, let it wash over you. These words are only a translation of energy I felt when I channelled the message. Words are energy, as are you and as is everything else around you.

You are an energetic being and your natural vibration is one of health and wellbeing.

Every time you are feeling some physical symptoms in your body, are feeling negative emotions or are thinking negative thoughts, you are disconnected from your Highest Self, from Source, and from your natural state of wellbeing.

If you want to connect back to your health and wellbeing, if you want to heal on all levels and live in alignment with your Highest Self, I AM OPENING MY SIGNATURE 1:1 DEEP HEALING PROGRAM TO 3 NEW CLIENTS RIGHT NOW.

If you are ready to change your health and your life from the inside out, if you are ready to finally understand the real reasons why you are sick, if you are ready to step into your power and become your own healer, the program is for you!

My Deep Healing Program is a different kind of program. It’s not based on only me guiding you along your healing journey. It’s also based on guidance from your own body, mind and soul and healing on all levels.

If you would like to find out more, click on the button below and schedule a discovery call with me now!

If you have any questions about the topic discussed or about how I can help you to heal your chronic health issues, do not hesitate to get in touch!

Also, if you like the episode, please subscribe to the podcast, rate and review, share it with your friends and family, and come share your thoughts and takeaways with me in the comments below.

And if you have any questions about the topic discussed or about how I can help you to heal your chronic health issues, do not hesitate to get in touch 💖

show notes


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I help women to step into their power, align with their purpose and live the life their soul came here to live.

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